Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paracinema Is So Slutty

DVD CASE.epsIf you're in the mood for a filthy good laugh (well, I hope you would laugh, or at least that's the goal), head on over to Paracinema and take a peak at my review for the Tinto Brass directed, Erotic masterpiece, Monamour! Seriously, reading my review will be like living and breathing the film, and you can do it in an 1/8 the time it would take you to actually watch it. Plus, the chances for STDs would go down by at least 73% by reading it. Plus, plus, there are pictures of almost naked people!! And we all know how much you perverts love a good naked person in your everyday lives, so go on, get your fine little ass over there, okay?



  1. Will do, Matt! But only because you complimented my derriere. The only Tinto Brass movie I've seen so far is Salon Kitty. And it was also strewn with naked people. And Nazis! Oh my.

  2. i am out of here, though i will be back on the next post... this post is the devil...

  3. James: Brass' filmography mostly consists of sleazy sex movies and seems to really enjoy them hairy armpits on his ladies. He did work on Caligula, though!

    zombie: I know where you're going!

  4. You had me of that picture of that great pumpkin. I'm going to go check it out now.

  5. Ha! Pumpkin! That pumpkin is all over the film, so you might want to check it out, then!


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